Supported browsers


On desktop

Widget is fully supported by Chrome 64+ and Firefox 58+ on desktop.

Browsers which either don’t or do not fully support our functionalities like Audio & Video calls, Presentation mode, and Fullscreen mode:

Safari, Edge and Opera. However, you can still chat via them.

On mobile

On mobile widget will fully work on Safari 11.2+ for iPhone and on Chrome 70+ for Android.

Safari for iPad, Firefox for iOS, Chrome for iOS, and Samsung Browser for Android will allow you to chat only.


On desktop

Dashboard is fully supported on desktop by Chrome 64+.

Firefox 58+ might face some issues with Audio & Video calls as well as minor issues with emojis and files attachments.

Browsers on which dashboard might not work properly:

Safari, Edge and Opera.

On mobile

We do have Android and iOS apps to provide the best possible experience for you. Grab it!

We neither recommend nor support "dashboard on mobile" experience ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Last updated

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