Org configuration fields

  • agreement - service agreement text

  • agreementEnabled - turn on / off agreement

  • allowedAttachmentExtensions - an array of allowed attachments extensions for clients and advisers

  • autoAssignedLimit - maximum amount of conversations handled by one adviser. Can be configured for each advisor separately through the UI. Settings -> Advisers -> {{Adviser}} -> Auto assigned conversations limit

  • autoCloseTimeoutSeconds - time after no activity in conversation, conversation gets closer (s)

  • autoFollowOnReassign - turn on / off change adviser automatically starts follow conversation on reassign

  • autoReassignEnabled - turn on / off routing for a conversation on manual presence change

  • autoSnoozeTimeoutSeconds - time after no activity in conversation, conversation gets snoozed (s)

  • averageResponseTimeSlaEnabled - average response time metric SLA

  • averageResponseTimeSlaRangeLowerBound - lower bound for average response time (ms)

  • averageResponseTimeSlaRangeUpperBound - upper bound for average response time (ms)

  • averageResponseTimeMetricEnabled - turn on / off metrics on average response time calculation

  • baseURL - website URL the widget to be displayed on

  • billingPlanId - accelerate / before_billing / launch

  • billingPlanStart - billing start timestamp

  • callsDisabled - turn on / off calls

  • closedConversationMessageEn - close message for english locale

  • closedConversationMessageEnabled - turn on / off message on closing conversation

  • closedConversationMessagePl - close message for polish locale

  • cobrowseEnabled - turn on / off cobrowse feature

  • color - primary org color

  • contactEnquiryActionEnabled - turn on / off ContactEnquiry form

  • continueConversationOnMobileEnabled - turn on / off "connitue on mobile" button on widget

  • country - country of org company

  • coverUrl - URL to org logo cover image

  • customerNotify - turn on / off email notification on chat activity

  • defaultAgentAvatarURL - URL to default adviser avatar

  • defaultStatusAfterLogin - adviser status after login available / away / unavailable / unready

  • forgetMeEnabled - turn on / off "forget me button" on widget

  • headerWelcomeMessageEn - text on widget header for english locale

  • headerWelcomeMessagePl - text on widget header for polish locale

  • languageLocale - org default locale

  • logoUrl - URL to org logo image

  • maximumAttachmentSizeBytes - maximum attachment size (bytes)

  • meetingActionEnabled - turn on / off meeting arrangement

  • messageMaxAllowedCharactersForAgent - maximum symbols in message for adviser

  • messageMaxAllowedCharactersForClient - maximum symbols in message for client

  • name - org name

  • oauthEnabled - turn on / off login with OAuth

  • omniEnabled - turn on / off OMNI integration

  • omniLink - link to OMNI page. To inject client token to link token URL parameter should be used e.g. www.testlink.test/integration?userToken={{token}}

  • openedConversationsMetricEnabled - turn on / off metrics on opened conversation

  • openedConversationsSlaEnabled - open conversation metric SLA

  • openedConversationsSlaRangeLowerBound - lower bound for open conversation metric

  • openedConversationsSlaRangeUpperBound - upper bound for open conversation metric

  • paidPlanCount - amount of paid advisers accounts

  • phonePrefix - country prefix for phone numbers

  • profanitiesCheckingEnabled - turn on / off profanities check for client and adviser

  • reassignOnLogoutEnabled - turn on / off routing for a conversation on adviser's disconnect

  • reportsEnabled - turn on / off reports

  • resetRoomViewOnClose - turn on / off room hides on adviser view on conversation close

  • showAdviserLastNameEnabled - turn on / off adviser's last name in widget

  • statusChangeOnCloseEnabled -change status to unavailable on adviser logout

  • typingPreviewEnabled - turn on / off adviser can preview client typed text

  • waitingConversationsMetricEnabled - turn on / off metrics on waiting conversation

  • waitingConversationsSlaEnabled - waiting conversation metric SLA

  • waitingConversationsSlaRangeLowerBound - lower bound for waiting conversation metric

  • waitingConversationsSlaRangeUpperBound - upper bound for waiting conversation metric

  • welcomeMessageEn - text is shown on the first widget opening for english locale

  • welcomeMessagePl - text is shown on the first widget opening for polish locale

  • workingHours - Setting working hours influences your customers' ability to schedule meetings via bot. It will allow avoiding setting up meetings outside working hours without advisers' knowledge. It is a better way to configure on UI in Settings -> Working hours

Last updated

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