Forms configuration

Form model

Form DTO fields:

  • id - [string] uuid of form

  • orgId - [string] uuid of organization

  • locale - [string] locale which the form was created for

  • availableForAgents - [boolean] determines whether agents can access and send the form

  • name - [string] name of the form

  • config - [object] configuration of the form's inputs (see input types below)

  • expireInterval - (optional)[number] - milliseconds after which the form can no longer be submitted

  • sendInterval - (optional)[number] - milliseconds after which the form can be sent again

  • blockIfPreviousUnsubmitted - (optional)[boolean] - determines whether the form can be sent if previous has not been submitted yet

  • routeOnSubmit - (optional)[boolean] - determines whether submitting the form should result in opening and assignment of the conversation

  • tagGroupId - (optional)[string] uuid of tag group. Form will be available only in rooms with given tagGroupId. Form with empty tagGroupId available in any room

Inputs form

Use this form to collect information

Config (inputs) fields:

  • radioButtonsInputs - array of objects representing radio buttons input

  • multipleButtonsInputs - array of objects representing multiple buttons input

  • radioListInputs - array of objects representing radio list input

  • checkboxListInputs - array of objects representing checkbox list input

  • textInputs - array of objects representing text input

Buttons (multiple choice)


Click here to see the code

The input above is represented by the following object:

    "index": 0,
    "name": "conversation_expectation",
    "displayName": "I expect the conversation to be:",
    "buttons": [
            "value": "quick",
            "displayName": "Quick"
            "value": "nice",
            "displayName": "Nice & kind"
            "value": "helpful",
            "displayName": "Helpful"

Buttons (single choice)


Click here to see the code

The input above is represented by the following object:

    "index": 1,
    "name": "device_type",
    "displayName": "I have a problem with my:",
    "buttons": [
            "value": "phone",
            "displayName": "Phone"
            "value": "laptop",
            "displayName": "Laptop"
            "value": "elbow",
            "displayName": "Elbow"

Radio input with list of options (single choice)


Click here to see the code

The input above is represented by the following object:

    "index": 2,
    "name": "timeline",
    "displayName": "I have been a customer for:",
    "options": [
            "value": "under_six_months",
            "displayName": "<= 6 months"
            "value": "six_months_to_two_years",
            "displayName": "<= 2 years"
            "value": "longer",
            "displayName": "> 2 years"

Input with list of options (multiple choice)


Click here to see the code

The input above is represented by the following object:

    "index": 3,
    "name": "favorite_colors",
    "displayName": "Colors I like:",
    "options": [
            "value": "white",
            "displayName": "White"
            "value": "black",
            "displayName": "Black"
            "value": "yellow",
            "displayName": "Yellow"

Text input


Click here to see the code

The input above is represented by the following object:

    "index": 4,
    "name": "language_name",
    "displayName": "The best programming language is:",
    "placeholder": "Type language name here..."

Full example

Inputs order in the form is determined by `index` property of representing object

Click here to see form with inputs represented above
    "id": "0b05797b-a15b-42a5-96ec-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "orgId": "95a25389-5b2f-4b43-a311-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "locale": "en",
    "config": {
        "radioButtonsInputs": [
                "index": 1,
                "name": "device_type",
                "displayName": "I have a problem with my:",
                "buttons": [
                        "value": "phone",
                        "displayName": "Phone"
                        "value": "laptop",
                        "displayName": "Laptop"
                        "value": "elbow",
                        "displayName": "Elbow"
        "multipleButtonsInputs": [
                "index": 0,
                "name": "conversation_expectation",
                "displayName": "I expect the conversation to be:",
                "buttons": [
                        "value": "quick",
                        "displayName": "Quick"
                        "value": "nice",
                        "displayName": "Nice & kind"
                        "value": "helpful",
                        "displayName": "Helpful"
        "radioListInputs": [
                "index": 2,
                "name": "timeline",
                "displayName": "I have been a customer for:",
                "options": [
                        "value": "under_six_months",
                        "displayName": "<= 6 months"
                        "value": "six_months_to_two_years",
                        "displayName": "<= 2 years"
                        "value": "longer",
                        "displayName": "> 2 years"
        "checkboxListInputs": [
                "index": 3,
                "name": "favorite_colors",
                "displayName": "Colors I like:",
                "options": [
                        "value": "white",
                        "displayName": "White"
                        "value": "black",
                        "displayName": "Black"
                        "value": "yellow",
                        "displayName": "Yellow"
        "textInputs": [
                "index": 4,
                "name": "name",
                "displayName": "The best programming language is:",
                "placeholder": "Type language name here..."
    "availableForAgents": true,
    "name": "Problem questionaire",
    "expireInterval": 60000,
    "sendInterval": 10000,
    "blockIfPreviousUnsubmitted": true,
    "routeOnSubmit": false

Auto assign form

Use this form to route clients' conversations based on their choice

Click here to see form configuration

The form above is represented by the following object:

    "id": "2909d885-d34c-49b9-8e8e-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "orgId": "d90482fe-17bf-48d5-aa75-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "locale": "en",
    "config": {
        "type": "auto_assign_form",
        "tagGroups": [
                "tagGroupId": "23b133fa-f2d1-4140-bddc-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "displayName": "First tag group"
                "tagGroupId": "c0f47b47-8269-4002-9734-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "displayName": "Second tag group"
                "tagGroupId": "c972191f-ddea-40df-bbbe-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "displayName": "Third tag group"
    "availableForAgents": true,
    "name": "assignment_form",

Predefined message form

Predefined message is a form to send simple text without any inputs as a adviser message. Form configuration accepts the only property message`. Such form could be used to send links and messages with additional conversation data:

  • {{roomId}} - conversation room id

Click here to see form configuration

The form above is represented by the following object:

    "id": "b5cb64ec-9d85-4fe1-8df7-c8a4b8131b2d",
    "orgId": "95a25389-5b2f-4b43-a311-7625f73da813",
    "locale": "pl",
    "config": {
        "type": "predefined_message_form",
        "message": "Simple predefined message with in room id = {{roomId}}"
    "availableForAgents": true,
    "name": "Simple message",
    "routeOnSubmit": false



POST - /api/message-widgets/{locale}

  • Creates new form

  • Requires apiKey header of an adviser with settings_action_forms permission

  • Requires body with following fields:

    • required: name, availableForAgents, config (described above)

    • optional: expireInterval, sendInterval, blockIfPreviousUnsubmitted

Click here to see an example
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: your-api-key-here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "a_problem_questionaire",
    "availableForAgents": true,
    "tagGroupId": "0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "config": {
        "textInputs": [
                "index": 0,
                "name": "best_language",
                "displayName": "The best programming language is:",
                "placeholder": "Type language name here..."


PUT - /api/message-widgets/{uuid}

  • Updates existing form

  • Requires apiKey header of an adviser with settings_action_forms permission

  • Requires body with same schema as POST request

Click here to see an example
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'x-api-key: your-api-key-here' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "a_problem_questionaire",
    "availableForAgents": false,
    "config": {
        "textInputs": [
                "index": 0,
                "name": "best_language",
                "displayName": "The best programming language is:",
                "placeholder": "Type language name here..."


GET - /api/message-widgets/{locale}

  • Gets all created forms' DTOs

  • Requires apiKey of organization's adviser

Click here to see an example
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: your-api-key-here'

GET - /api/message-widgets/{orgId}/{messageWidgetId}

  • Gets single form DTO

  • Does not require authentication

Click here to see an example
curl --location --request GET '

Last updated