

Tag definition

Tag - parameter defining the feature of a given chat conversation. Tags are used for segmentation of calls and proper call routing, as well as for additional actions on the Closer widget, e.g. displaying proactive messages.


  • Maximum tag length is 35 characters

  • Maximum number of tags is 256

  • Tag name has to be unique

  • Tags names are case insensitive

Tagging system

The tagging system is configured at the Closer dashboard level. Tags can come from many sources:

  • Based on the url of the selected page, where the conversation is initiated by the client via the Closer widget; e.g. - a tag set for conversations that were initiated on the client's side only on the website.

  • Based on the domain on which the Closer widget is located, i.e. the tag is set for all conversations initiated on the client's side on the selected domain.

  • Based on a regular expression with which the url address begins, i.e. the tag is set for all conversations that on the client side were initiated on pages whose url address begins with a specific url path, e.g. for the tag set for the expression: https: // will be broadcast for all conversations that the client initiates through Closer at,, https: // closer. app / blog / article2, etc ..

  • Based on the values of utm parameters, e.g. utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign. To assign a tag, you must specify the utm parameter and its value, e.g. utm_source = facebook.

  • Based on the button embedded on the www that initiates the Closer widget. Ie after clicking on the selected button on the website, which initiates the Closer widget, a tag is assigned to a given conversation, specifying all conversations launched with a given button. These tags are defined from the button's source code.

  • System tags for the user's session on the website: new_visitor - when the user first visits the page with the Closer widget, returning_visitor - when the user visits the page with the Closer widget again, exit_intent - when the user wants to leave the website (go beyond the browser tab to close it , or enter a new address in the browser bar). These tags are "rigid" which means we cannot specify them arbitrarily.

  • Based on selected browser metadata, e.g. the language of the client's browser.

  • Based on data from systems integrated with Closer for recognized customers. Ie we can transfer tags to Closer regarding the identified client, if there is integration between the Closer and the given system, e.g. for recognized clients, adding a premium tag, if there is integration between the Closer and the CRM system, in which we mark selected clients as premium clients and the field integration is provided on marking premium customers in CRM.

  • Based on data from Closer-integrated systems for call data. Ie tagging conversations if they have been defined by external conversational systems, i.e. bots. For example, the Max bot recognizes the topic of the conversation and defines it as a tag that is assigned in the conversation in Closer.

  • For segmentation purposes, tags not used in call routing, e.g. tags specifying the name of teams in the company.

A conversation can contain up to 64 tags.

Tag names

Naming tags: Polish characters and spaces cannot be used in tag names (we recommend using “_” instead of spaces). Examples of correctly named tags: home_page, prepaid, contract_extension.

Tag parameters

For each tag we specify the Must / Should parameter and the Priority parameter.

Must / Should - a parameter that determines whether the conversation defined by the selected tag is to be routed to advisers with a given tag (must), or whether the given agent does not have to have a given tag in order for the conversation to be assigned to this person (should). Once set, the Must / Should parameter is used for all current and future conversations with the tag, it is possible to change the Must / Should parameter globally for all current and future conversations.

Tag priority - the priority of tags affects the order in which conversations are assigned. As part of Closer priority parameter = 0 or 1 - in the case of calls where at least one tag specifying them has a parameter of 1, these calls are assigned first to calls that have only tags with 0 parameters. Once set, the parameter is used for all current and future conversations with a given tag, it is possible to change the given priority globally for all current and future conversations.

Active / inactive tag - determining whether a given tag is to be used in routing activities and on the widget.

Tag group

Tag group - it is a collection of tags, configured from the Closer dashboard. A tag group must contain at least one tag. One tag can be in many groups. The name of the tag groups is for reference only.

Suggesting the use of tag groups is 1. to use them to massively configure the counselors' abilities. 2. the use of their filtering reports. 3. using them as "queues" known from traditional contact center systems.

A single counselor may have multiple tags as abilities, and multiple tag groups as abilities.

Naming tag groups: it is recommended not to use Polish characters and spaces in the names of tag groups (we recommend using “_” instead of spaces). Examples of correctly named groups of tags: sales_ subscription_premium, telephony_clients_premium. Tag group is just a container for tags, it does not apply any additional logic.


Routing - it is a mechanism for separating calls to advisers. In Closer, routing is based on tags that are assigned to a given chat conversation. One conversation can be defined with up to 64 tags, or it can have no tag at all. Each tag has Must / Should and Priority parameters set in advance.

A routing conversation can have any mix of Must and Should tags. Ie One conversation for routing can only be defined by Must tags, only Should tags, no tags, or a combination of Must tags and Should tags.

Conversations are assigned based on the distribution of conversations to advisers who have assigned tags that match the tags assigned to a given conversation.

Maximum capacity per adviser is 99 conversations.

Routing example:

A new conversation with 5 tags to describe it is created: Two of them are Must and three others are Should. In this case, the routing capability in the first step is narrowed down to the group of advisers who have both Must tags. Then the conversation is assigned to the advisor on the basis of:

  1. If there are advisors available (status available and free chat slots) who have both Must tags and three Should tags as skills, then the conversation is assigned to one of them.

  2. If none of the available advisers from point 1 there are no slots, the call is routed to those advisors who have both Must tags as skills assigned to the conversation and any two of the three Should tags that are assigned to the conversation.

  3. If none of the available advisers from point 2 there are no slots, the call is routed to those advisors who have both Must tags as skills assigned to the conversation and any one of the three Should tags that are assigned to the conversatio.

  4. If none of the available advisers from point 3 there are no free slots, the conversation is routed to those advisers who have both Must tags as skills, which are assigned to the conversation, advisers as skills in this case do not have any skills corresponding to the Should tag, which is assigned to the conversation.

  5. If there is still no assignment to the advisor, the conversation remains unassigned until one of the advisers from the points above has a slot free or the advisor manually assigns the selected conversation to himself.

Account manager

The use of the Closer tag system allows you to implement the mechanism of a dedicated account manager. To ensure that the client is served by a specific advisor, you should create a dedicated tag for a specific advisor (tag must) and use it to mark calls from selected customers.

Groups of account managers

If you want to implement groups of accounts to which specific clients are assigned, it is enough to define the must tag describing the group of accounts, and the should tag pointing to a specific account. Example:

Client X is served by the Nowak account managers group and a specific supervisor Adam Nowak. We create two tags GrupaOpiekuniwNowak (must) and AdamNowak (should). After marking the incoming call with these tags, the system will try to adapt to a specific account within the group (Adam Nowak), if Adam is not available, then he will assign the call to any available advisor from GrupaOpiekunowNowak



Filtering reports: it is possible to filter reports by tags or groups of tags. This allows, first of all, to preview selected statistics at the level of a selected tag group or tag. Examples:

Table with the current structure of conversations:

Adviser tag table:

Board with advisers

Development possibilities (development)

Below we present the possibilities of extending the routing in the Closer Platform for more advanced operations.

Numerical prioritization

It is possible to extend the determination of the priority of tags from the current one, where we flag a given tag or it has priority over another, to the possibility of specifying a specific number next to the tag (eg from 0 to 100) which would define the priority value in relation to others.

Change of range after time (not assigned calls)

It is possible to extend the current scoping for unassigned calls with must tags to a form in which you could define the time after which a given tag would change its scope from must to should. Example:

  1. We specify that for the pricing tag being must, the range changes after 60 seconds.

  2. A conversation with the tag pricing (must) falls into the system.

  3. The conversation is not picked up by any of the advisers for 60 seconds (they are busy or unavailable).

  4. The pricing tag changes its scope from must to should.

  5. Re-routing happens with regard to the tag scope change.

Groups of account managers - temporary delegation

Changing the scope of the tag from must to should after the X time. In this case, it would allow for greater control of the delegation of the conversation to the group of accounts. Example:

  1. Client X is served by the Nowak accounts group and a specific supervisor Adam Nowak. We create two tags GrupaOpiekunówNowak (must) and AdamNowak (must). After marking the incoming call with these tags, the system will try to adjust to a specific account within the group (Adam Nowak)

  2. We determine that for the Adam Nowak tag being must, the range changes to should after 60 seconds.

  3. Conversation with tags bursts into the system.

  4. The conversation is not picked up by a specific account for 60 seconds (Adam Nowak is busy or unavailable).

  5. The AdamNowak tag changes its scope from must to should.

  6. Re-routing happens with regard to the tag scope change

  7. The conversation will be assigned to any account from GrupaOpiekunowNowak


Question: Is it possible to create an empty tag?

Answer: It is possible to create a tag, and do not use it in the routing. But, for example still use it for report filtering.

Question: Does the MUST/SHOULD rule apply to groups of tags?

Answer: MUST/SHOULD rule apply to tags, groups are just containers for tags. Once a MUST/SHOULD rule is applied to a particular tag, the tag will have its rule everywhere in the system.

Last updated

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